I had smoked for 45 years, I never thought that I could ever quit…Julia taught me that the power was truly mine. It was a fantastic experience to feel myself going deeper into hypnosis!
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You already know the risks associated with smoking and why you should quit. The benefits to quitting are immense and cover all aspects of your life including your health, mood, weight, finances and overall happiness.
The easy part is quitting, but stopping forever is something else entirely.
“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” – Mark Twain
What if I told you that YOU have the ability to tap into your subconscious mind and release the power to reprogram your conscious mind and finally quit for good! It’s completely possible with my specially crafted audio hypnosis program.
I have taken my expertise from years of being a certified hypnotherapist and thousands of successful patients to bring you an effective program that you can use in the privacy of your own home without shelling out big bucks for one-on-one sessions with a hypnotherapist.
If you are tired of spending a small fortune on cigarettes and are ready to get your health back, then this program is for you!
Why is change sometimes difficult?
Because most habits, beliefs and attitudes are maintained and stored in the unconscious mind – and most people are trying to change consciously!
Hypnosis is direct unconscious communication.
The unconscious communicates differently than the conscious mind – so you just can’t tell it what to do in the regular way and expect to get the results you want. The unconscious doesn’t update its ideas and concepts as readily as we’d like and sometimes the conclusions it reaches are not healthy (i.e. smoking = comfort and relaxation).
During hypnosis, direct communication with your unconscious mind can be established.
In a relaxed hypnotic state, if we are guided properly, our minds and bodies are able to accept change much more readily.
In hypnosis YOU are in control. The hypnotist is merely the guide who leads you through this comfortable, inspiring experience. The door is open to the abilities and resources of the ultra-powerful unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is just the surface.
I had smoked for 45 years, I never thought that I could ever quit…Julia taught me that the power was truly mine. It was a fantastic experience to feel myself going deeper into hypnosis!
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Thank you, thank you, thank you Julia. In a single session, you were able to help me break a life long habit.
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Offers you enlightening education teaching you all about the power of hypnosis and how it will change your life forever!
Includes a powerful success manual to guide you step by step through the process that will prepare you for your quit day and exactly how to prepare yourself to use the hypnotic re-programming process.
Powerful hypnotic audio recordings including subliminal messages to enhance success.
Includes powerful hypnotic audios that will also address stress management issues.
Important tips, strategies, and proven concepts to support the re-programming process.
Based on my one-on-one sessions that this entire course is built from, my clients are able to quit smoking for good!