Dieting is NOT Just About What You Eat and How You Exercise!
Trying to lose weight can be very, very frustrating, painful, and depressing… with all kinds of complicated challenges. Not only are you faced with personal sacrifices and daily cravings, but you also have to deal with the internal struggles of staying on course and keeping up with everything else going on in your life as well, right?
In my practice in Sedona, AZ – I see this every day. The struggles you face trying to stick to your healthy eating plan and the many negative, painful, stressful, feelings you deal with every hour of every day are the same problems that cause so many other people to fail on their diet.
You are not alone. In fact, these struggles are serious challenges anyone who is on a weight loss program may deal with constantly.
Losing Weight Is An Inside Game
If you expect to succeed in your weight loss goals and if you also want to keep the weight off after you do reach your target weight, you’ll need to get these inner challenges, these negative, internal feelings, under control.
And what’s worse, if you don’t win this “Inner Battle” you’ll likely quit your diet or slip back into old, bad, harmful habits (like “yo-yo” dieting). You cannot reach your goals if you give up or quit, agreed?
“I slowly and steadily lost weight, every month. I found myself eating fresh, healthy foods and cooking at home from scratch. I have completed the 12 months of the program and continue to lose weight.” Lisa S.
The truth is, eating and exercise are only a small part of whether or not you will reach your weight loss goals when compared to the much more critical internal struggle to stick to your dieting and health program which is where I see people lose the war with weight loss most often… and what I help so many people to overcome.
Helping people overcome this doubt and internal struggle is what I do every single day…
The simple fact is that success on your weight loss program is based largely on how well you’re able to stick to your goals and how well you deal with the challenges that likely come at you when you are trying to eat healthier.
“Sticking to your goals and dealing with challenges has nothing to do with the foods you are eating or the exercises you do – sticking to your weight loss goals is about how you THINK about these things.”
And, that’s what I call “The Inside Game” of weight loss.
It’s you and one other player, that “little inside voice” who is either on your team helping you to win or on the opposite team trying to keep you from changing… keeping you from winning the game.
Your “little inner voice” is either working with you or against you. You believe you can or your little voice is telling you “Yeah, right… I’ve heard THAT before.”
Imagine Your Little Inner Voice HELPING YOU Succeed on Your Diet…
This is where hypnosis comes in…
Before we go any further, I want to set something straight… hypnosis is just a way to help you relax. That’s basically it. No “woo-woo” out there, “Hollywood version of hypnosis,” stuff. That is what they do in the movies and on stages to entertain you, not help you.
“I would recommend Julia’s program to anyone who is struggling with their weight or inability to shed it.” Lori B.
Consider this: What I help you do, and how you can benefit from hypnosis techniques that I share with you, is RELAX… relax enough to shut off all of the ‘noise’ in your head so you can talk with that Little Inner Voice of yours and get it on your side.
That’s it. Nothing magic, nothing complicated, just a simple, direct way to help you talk to yourself and “reprogram” any negative or self-defeating thoughts you might have about YOU… or about your weight loss program and dieting in general.
That doesn’t sound bad or “woo-woo,” does it? It isn’t.
Responsible hypnosis and self hypnosis are used every single day by; great athletes, performers, religious and political leaders, doctors, professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists, teachers, coaches, writers and artists, and regular people all over the world, just like you and me.
Hypnosis is a safe, proven, and VERY effective way for you to achieve almost any goal you have, especially if reaching your goal requires the cooperation of that inner voice inside of your head to work with you.
With Hypnosis You Are Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals, Even if You’ve Never Been Successful Dieting Before!
Get One Powerful Hypnotic Audio and Downloadable PDF Workbook Lesson Each Month for a Full 12 Months…
(PLUS…Get Special Bonuses & Recipes)
The Hypnosis For Easy Weight Loss™
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Overcome Your Weight Loss Struggles For GOOD!
Yes, Julia, I want my monthly lesson to help me successfully lose weight using the proven and very effective practice of hypnosis to help me succeed now and also to help me keep the weight I lose off permanently without all of the hassles and frustrations of traditional dieting methods.
Get Started Today and see how this program can help you lose weight & gain control of your life.
You can cancel at anytime, but remember you need to commit in order to see the results” AND if you stay on board, at the end of the 12 months, you will have 12 powerful audios that belong to you, that you can turn to for assistance in so many areas of your life, for the rest of your life!
Every 30 days from the point of purchase, you will be billed $99 a month unless you cancel your subscription.
Only $99 a Month!
(Even if it’s 2:00am on a Saturday!)
Add on my Coaching Package for that EXTRA Oomph!
Hypnosis for Easy Weight Loss Coaching Program is a program that gives you comprehensive assistance to finally achieve your weight loss goals and allows you to keep it off PERMANENTLY! This powerful coaching program helps you access the part of your mind (the subconscious) that stores all of your habits (good and bad), beliefs and perceptions about food, body image and reflects the way you personally feel from the inside out. Have monthly coaching access to Julia’s weight loss expertise and ongoing support. Accountability AND reprogramming is your key to the success of this powerful coaching program.
Diets don’t work but reprogramming the subconscious is PROVEN to work! Lose weight the fun way! All you have to do is relax and listen to your powerful audio for 28 minutes every day for 30 days. Reprogramming follows you throughout the course of each and every day.
Every 30 days from the point of purchase, you will be billed $147 a month unless you cancel your subscription.
Only $147 a Month TOTAL! (Best Value.Save $100 this month)
Regularly $247/Month
(Even if it’s 2:00am on a Saturday!)

Here’s the thing: I’m offering these memberships because I know how valuable they can be to you. I believe so strongly that I’m offering you an 8-week, money back guarantee.
I’m comfortable with that and stand behind my program 100%, knowing that you will be completely thrilled with the content and, more importantly, your weight loss success. However, just know that a refund is available anytime for the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me if you are dissatisfied for any reason.
If you’ve tried everything else for weight loss or even if you are just now starting to diet… the truth is, it isn’t easy no matter what program you are on, right? However, the reason people fail is not because a diet doesn’t work, it’s because they quit or never really get started. Changing habits that got you where you are isn’t easy, but with hypnosis, a drug free, painless, and very effective way of helping you stick to your program… you can and you WILL succeed and reach your goals.
Join now… get started today, stop struggling to lose weight and start living your life again. Let me help you.
Plus, you can’t lose if you take me up on my no-risk offer. If you’re disappointed with your first issue, or for that matter, any issues, for any reason, just let me know and I’ll cancel your subscription with no questions asked, deal?