Losing Weight Starts With Loving Yourself
Embarking on a weight loss practice may bring a lot changes in our lives. However, most people find this “change” is not necessary and accepting it may feel more liberating rather than the struggle to keep oneself healthy. This concept is mistaken to be a manifestation of self-love. The truth is it’s the other way around. It is a denial of a problem rather truly loving yourself. Real self-love means being determined to achieve a healthy body and mind – and maintaining it.
Deciding to lose weight is a change and change often intimidates people. Since weight loss practices mean giving up some comfort, changing habits and behaviors, it brings reluctance to many. Weight gain is definitely connected with our habits and behaviors. It is the manifestation of unhealthy practices that we do on a regular basis. Therefore it is safe to say that food is not the actual enemy but rather it is the unhealthy practices that people choose to live with.
So how can one start battling weight gain?
1. The first step is awareness
Awareness is a conscious acknowledgment. It is so powerful that it creates a debate in our head whether to defy our habits or stick with it. Being aware of the things that are bad for your health and understanding the habits associated with it is a big step in starting that change.
2. Don’t rush to act according to habits
Habits are like programmed routines in our minds. We do these things even without conscious effort. These can be picking junk foods while doing groceries, opening a bag of chips while watching TV or even drinking a can of soda after coming home from work. These are habits. When we are aware of the moment, we have that opportunity to choose if we will proceed with our next action. Just like when we open the fridge to get a can of soda after coming home from a long day at work – once you are aware that you are doing a habit – simply stop.
3. Breathe and don’t give in
When you disrupt a “programmed” action, your mind will definitely push for it. This is what happens when habits get defeated by awareness. Instead of giving in, simply let it pass. Let your mind scream for that soda and let it pass. This urge will eventually pass and know that it is not permanent. It will go by and will eventually disappear. So breathe, relax and simply ignore your craving.
4. Turn away from the justifications
Habits have a way of fighting for their existence in your life. In the great moment of battle between cravings and your determination to change, your mind will raise justifications why you should get on with the habit. You can fight this and let your now-aware-self battle it out with your pre-conditioned mind. Simply repel your mind’s justifications and walk away from it.
Changing Your Habits
The battle to weight gain starts by consciously changing your habits. Hypnosis has been an effective way to help people in fighting off unhealthy habits. A Mind and Body Connection offers effective hypnosis programs that can help you win the battle against weight gain.