Erica P. – St. Petersburg, FL

Amazing! I have always wanted to try hypnosis and these sessions exceeded any expectations I had. The effects of hypnosis have become more and more obvious to me as time passes, although I experienced a sense of calmness almost immediately. I feel 100% more able to cope with my anxiety, without medication, as a result…


Hypnosis And Weight Loss Go Hand In Hand

From: Article by Christopher Smith Thank you Christopher Hypnosis motivates a person to focus and search inwardly, to use all his learning and skills to resolve his problems and to do so with the help of unconscious learning and understanding. This process is the same that scientists do when they ‘dream up’ inventions and…


How would you like to be better in bed?

It is no secret that true healthy weight loss needs that assistance of regular exercise, but here is a major bonus to that plan! Sexual arousal requires good blood flow in men as well as women. If you participate in regular aerobic workouts, it increases blood flow which keeps the arteries producing nitric oxide. The…
